los miembros de la Autoridad de Desarrollo Industrial de Arizona (Autoridad) han sido invitados a la conferencia de prensa Arizona is Home.

Jueves, 11 de abril de 2024
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.

1028 E Pierce St
Phoenix, Arizona 85006

Aunque el quórum de la Autoridad puede estar presente en este acto, los miembros de la Autoridad no participarán en ninguna deliberación, decisión u otra acción legal del organismo público.

Arizona IDA - TEFRA

Convocatoria de audiencia pública

Para ciertos tipos de bonos de actividad privada, el IRS exige una audiencia pública (a veces denominada "audiencia TEFRA") para ofrecer una oportunidad razonable a las personas interesadas de expresar sus opiniones, oralmente o por escrito, sobre la emisión de bonos y la naturaleza de las mejoras y proyectos a los que se destinarán los fondos de los bonos. Si tiene alguna duda sobre los requisitos para cumplir el mandato de la Sección 147(f) del Código de Rentas Internas de 1986, en su versión modificada, consulte a su abogado fiscal.

Si no aparece ninguna información a continuación, significa que no hay audiencias públicas programadas actualmente.

FECHA DE LA AUDIENCIAWednesday, September 18, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. local time (Arizona Time)

REFERENCIA: IH Maricopa Apartments Owner II LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Company — formerly known as Roers Maricopa Apartments Owner II LLC.

- Haga clic en el enlace que figura debajo del Resumen para consultar la Comunicación en su totalidad. Tipo de archivo: PDF

BREVE RESUMEN: A public hearing will be held by a representative of the Arizona Industrial Development Authority (the “Issuer”) on September 18, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. local time (Arizona Time), or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, regarding the proposed issuance by the Issuer of its revenue notes, bonds or other obligations in one or more series from time to time pursuant to a plan of financing, in an amount not to exceed $85,000,000, the proceeds of which will be loaned to IH Maricopa Apartments Owner II LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (formerly known as Roers Maricopa Apartments Owner II LLC) (together with any of its successors or affiliates, the “Borrower”), to finance and/or refinance, as applicable, all or a portion of the costs of the acquisition, construction, improvement, equipping and/or operating of a qualified residential rental facility (including improvements and facilities functionally related and subordinate thereto) which is expected to be comprised of approximately 216 units (all or a portion of which will be set aside for occupancy by low- to moderate-income tenants) situated on approximately 9.56 acres of real property generally located at 42584 W Maricopa-Casa Grande Highway, Maricopa, Arizona (the “Facilities”). The Facilities will be owned and/or operated by the Borrower. For more information, including information on how to attend the public hearing, please see the complete Notice of Public Hearing linked below, which includes toll free dial-in information.

FECHA DE LA AUDIENCIAFriday, September 20, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. local time (Arizona Time)

REFERENCIA: Mosaic, a Nebraska nonprofit corporation

- Haga clic en el enlace que figura debajo del Resumen para consultar la Comunicación en su totalidad. Tipo de archivo: PDF

BREVE RESUMEN: A public hearing will be held by a representative of the Arizona Industrial Development Authority (the “Issuer”) on September 20, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. local time (Arizona Time), or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, regarding the proposed issuance by the Issuer of its qualified 501(c)(3) bonds, as defined in Section 145 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), in one or more series from time to time pursuant to a plan of financing, in a principal amount not to exceed $29,500,000, the proceeds of which will be loaned to Mosaic, a Nebraska nonprofit corporation and an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Code (the “Borrower”) in order to pay all or a portion of the costs: (a) to refinance the following outstanding obligations, with approximately $13,000,000 of proceeds of the Bonds: (i) the outstanding principal amount of the $12,250,000 Public Finance Authority Revenue Refunding Bonds (Mosaic Project), Series 2017A, issued by the Public Finance Authority (the “Prior Bonds Issuer”) on June 29, 2017, (ii) the outstanding principal amount of the $6,740,000 Public Finance Authority Revenue Bonds (Mosaic Project), Series 2017B, issued by the Prior Bonds Issuer on June 29, 2017 and reissued on November 17, 2017, (iii) the outstanding principal amount of the $2,901,543.81 Public Finance Authority Revenue Bonds (Mosaic Project), Series 2018A, issued by the Prior Bonds Issuer on October 31, 2018, and (iv) the outstanding principal amount of the $7,200,000 Public Finance Authority Revenue Bonds (Mosaic Project), Series 2018B, issued by the Prior Bonds Issuer on October 31, 2018 and re-issued on December 2, 2019; and (b) to finance the acquisition of tangible and intangible assets related to providing in-home support services for adults, such assets to be owned and operated by the Borrower or Mosaic Senior Services, which is an affiliate of the Borrower, located at the following locations in the State of Arizona, with approximately $16,500,000 of proceeds of the Bonds: 709 N Walnut Avenue in the City of Casa Grande, 2116 Stockton Hill Road in the City of Kingman, 255 E. Osborn Road in the City of Phoenix, and 1025 West 24th Street in the City of Yuma. For more information, including information on how to attend the public hearing, please see the complete Notice of Public Hearing linked below, which includes toll free dial-in information.

FECHA DE LA AUDIENCIA Jueves, 1 de febrero de 2024, a las 11:00 a.m. hora local (Hora de Arizona)

REFERENCIA: FSL Village on Humphreys Flagstaff 2019, LP, una sociedad limitada de Arizona

- Haga clic en el enlace que figura debajo del Resumen para consultar la Comunicación en su totalidad. Tipo de archivo: PDF

BREVE RESUMEN: Un representante de la Autoridad de Desarrollo Industrial de Arizona (el "Emisor") celebrará una audiencia pública el 1 de febrero de 2024, a las 11:00 a.m. hora local (hora de Arizona), o tan pronto como sea posible, en relación con la emisión propuesta por el Emisor de sus pagarés de ingresos, bonos u otras obligaciones en una o más series de vez en cuando de conformidad con un plan de financiación, por un importe no superior a $10.000.000, cuyo producto se prestará a FSL Village on Humphreys Flagstaff 2019, LP, una sociedad limitada de Arizona (el "Prestatario"), con el fin de financiar y/o refinanciar, según proceda, la totalidad o una parte de los costes de adquisición, construcción, mejora, equipamiento y/o explotación de un centro residencial de alquiler cualificado (incluidas las mejoras e instalaciones funcionalmente relacionadas y subordinadas al mismo) que se espera que conste de aproximadamente 70 unidades (todas o una parte de las cuales se reservarán para su ocupación por inquilinos de la tercera edad con ingresos bajos a moderados (con restricciones de edad)) situado en aproximadamente un acre de propiedad inmobiliaria generalmente ubicada en o cerca de 320 N. Humphreys St. Humphreys St, Flagstaff, Arizona 86001 (colectivamente, las "Instalaciones"). Las instalaciones serán propiedad del Prestatario y/o serán explotadas por éste. Para obtener más información y asistir a la audiencia pública, consulte la Notificación de Audiencia Pública completa en el enlace que aparece a continuación, que incluye información de acceso telefónico gratuito.